
Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement

Fall Winter 2017 Series 1&2 Class Schedule

5 Class Series: Wednesday Evenings

Series 1          First Class : Wed 11/15/2017

                                              No Class: Wed 11/22/2017, 12/6/2017

                            Last Class : Wed  12/27/201

Series 2         First Class: Wed  1/3/2018

                     No Class: Wed 1/10/2018

                        Last Class: Wed 2/7/2018


Class Time:     Wednesday Evening   

                        5:45PM to  7:00PM  

*First Class FREE for first time students*

 Awareness Through Movement® class provides a unique opportunity to discover optimal at any age, despite your present level. You are led through specific movement explorations which facilitate improved clarity of connection of one part, to the whole of yourself, letting ease and comfort be your guides. This way of moving is inherent to us all, it is the way healthy children, and skilled athletes move, with effortlessness and grace. Regain the pleasure and freedom available to you in moving this way as your brain reorganizes your movement patterns, forming new neuropathways for enhanced functioning with improved comfort, flexibility, calmer, clearer thoughts and skilled more precise action.


  You must call or  e-mail to reserve a spot

 $100.00 5 Class Series ($20.00/per class)

 $180.00 10 Classes (series 1&2 or Wed. & Fri.) ($18.00/per class)

$25.00 Single class drop ins (please call to reserve your spot)

All Classes Held At:

2270 Grand Avenue, Ste. 2

Baldwin NY, 11510


   *********Register early as classes are limited to 6 students!********** 

For more information:

Call: 516-633-2945


“My purpose is to allow people to move closer to actually being creatures of free choice, to genuinely reflect individual creativity and emotion, freeing the body of habitual tensions and wired-patters of behavior so that it may respond without inhibition to do what the person wants.”                        
Moshe Feldenkrais